

CLEFTA, Elevadores

Associação de Pais da EB1JI Telheiras
A Associação de Pais da Escola Básica 1 e do Jardim de Infância de Telheiras é uma instituição sem fins lucrativos dirigida exclusivamente por pais e encarregados de educação em regime de voluntariado. A missão da AP é contribuir para a melhoria do bem estar das crianças das nossas escolas, fomentando um espírito de colaboração permanente entre os Pais e Encarregados de Educação e a Escola.

GAYA Veggie Market & Coffee Shop
Nascemos para ser mais sustentáveis, mais ecológicos e para levar os melhores produtos de produtores locais para a tua casa. Para nossos fornecedores procuramos pequenas empresas focadas em princípios orgânicos, que cuidam da terra e que reduzem a pegada ecológica.
Na nossa loja temos produtos biológicos e de origem vegetal.

Rita Xavier, MD

Premium Minds
Somos uma empresa 100% portuguesa dedicada a criar software de alta qualidade para clientes empresariais inovadores.
- Promovemos uma cultura de engenharia dentro da empresa
- Primamos por criar relações de confiança com os nossos clientes
- Valorizamos pessoas responsáveis e autónomas
- Utilizamos metodologias ágeis, valorizando mais as opiniões das pessoas do que os nossos processos

GS1 Portugal
A nossa missão: desenvolver, promover e implementar standards globais que revolucionem a forma como trabalhamos e vivemos no dia-a-dia, todos os dias.

We like to...

Panda Cantina (Ramen)
We discovered ramen in Japan. Since then our life has been empty till we found a little Chinese restaurant in Lisbon. Panda Cantina is nice, cheap, incredibly good and make veg ramen too (so rare!). To finish up, try one of their ginger ice-creams and weep for joy.Rua da Prata 252, Lisboa – TripAdvisor

Frutaria (Brunch)
Healthy, with fruit, veg options and tasty, above all! Great juices and the best avocado toast ever, with 2 eggs, feta, rocket, cherry tomatoes and lime. Thank you!Rua dos Fanqueiros 269, Lisboa – TripAdvisor

Nivà (Italian Gelato)
One of the best artisanal Italian gelato joints ever to make its way to Lisbon (across from the Botanical garden). Don’t miss it!Rua da Escola Politécnica 41, Lisboa 1250-099, Portugal – TripAdvisor

PSI (Veg restaurant)
Not always vegetarian restaurants are great, even if in Lisbon there are a whole lot of really good ones. This would help if you are eating a salad while everyone else is eating their third helping of cod. Then, there is PSI. High quality, tasty, clever, fresh veg plates. No comparison around. Doesn’t matter if you eat meat or not: go there and you’ll be happy!Alameda St António Capuchos, Lisboa – TripAdvisor

Santa Clara dos Cogumelos (Mushrooms)
On the Feira da Ladra garden: great view and weird drawings of saints and mushrooms around, but you won’t notice anything because your taste buds will cancel out everything else. High-quality dishes, (mostly) mushroom-based, the “perfect egg”, some veg choices and a commoving tagliata (sliced fillet of beef) with mushrooms. Caution: might be an aphrodisiac.Campo de Santa Clara, 7 | Mercado de Santa Clara, Lisboa – TripAdvisor

Canil (Beer)
Dogs vs. Cats. Anyway, they’re the best neighbors we could wish for. They have a wide selection of artisan beers served with simple, tasty, well cooked food. And beer.Rua dos Douradores 133, Lisboa – TripAdvisor

Ginjinha Sem Rival (Liquors)
There are many place that produces Ginja, the classic liqueur of Lisbon. Only one, in its very name, declares that it has “no rivals” and the funny thing is, that’s true. They also have another spirit the make in-house, Eduardinho. Also “sem rival.” Enjoy!!Rua Das Portas de Santo Antao, Lisboa – TripAdvisor

Heden Graça (Co-working)
Great place. Quiet people. Fast Internet. Soft sofas. Animals allowed. If you need something similar to an office, but nicer, this is the place for you.
Tv. Pereira 35A, Lisboa – Website
Coming Soon

Quinta de Regaleira, Sintra (Stairway to Hell )
A visit to Sintra is a must if you come in Lisbon. There you will find Medieval castles, gardens, fountains and the National Palace of Pena: what the guys at Disney would have drawn on LSD. Go everywhere, get lost but don’t miss the stairway in the initiatory garden of Quinta de Regaleira: walking down the spiral staircase and entering the darkness one step at the time will make you feel like a child again!
Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra – TripAdvisor